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quarta-feira, 23 de maio de 2012

The Jewish Community of Lisbon and Belmonte

This winter, the Jewish Community of Lisbon, conducted in their synagogue a course, ministered by Professor Esther Mucznik, whose theme was "The Influence of Judaism in European Culture" .
It was with great interest that we participate in this course, which has enriched our knowledge about the history of Judaism in Europe, and helped us to understand better the origins of Judaism in Portugal.
Following this event, Professor Julio, organized a visit to Belmonte, the last place in Portugal where were living the Portuguese crypto-Jews, since the late 15th century.
It was a very interesting and instructive tour, to the birthplace of the great Portuguese navigator Pedro Alvares Cabral, who discovered Brazil in 1500.
Here we share some photos of the visit to Belmonte.

                                                           Sinagoga Eliahu- 1996
               Professor Julio and the President of the Jewish Community of Belmonte- António Bentes

                                                           Cristina, Isabel and Graça
                                                            Professor Esther Mucznik
                                                              Museum of Judaism

                                                      Navigator Pedro Álvares Cabral
                                           The group visiting the museum of Discoverys

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